NEW Education SYSTEM

1st stage

Foundation(5 Year NO EXAM)
3 Year Playing
2 Year(Class 1 & 2)

2nd stage

2 Year(Class 3 & 5)
activety + study
  • mother
  • national
  • 3rd & 4th stage

    middle stage (3 Year indian language )
    2 Year(Class 6 & 8)
    computer code
  • vocational
  • maths , science, arts
  • socondary stage (4 Year foreign language )
    2 Year(Class 9 & 12)
  • no strem
  • multiple subject
  • critical thinking
  • //

    Best Education

    The new education policy 2021 was adopted by the Modi government. The 10 + 2 structure has been fully eliminated in the new education policy. Our country’s educational curriculum has been based on 10 + 2, but it will soon be based on 5+ 3+ 3+ 4. This means that one-half is from primary to second grade, the second portion is from third to fifth grade, the third part is from sixth to eighth grade, and the last part is from ninth to 12th grade. Learn about the 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 format in this article. a little donation to TemplateMo. Please tell your friends about us. Thank you.

    The next step of indian education

    Through this new education scheme, they are trying to bring more than 2 crore students into the mainstream and with the help of this, they aim to achieve 100% GER (Gross enrollment ratio) from pre-school to secondary by the end of 2030. Through this NEP 2020 government is looking forward to making India a “global knowledge superpower” and it will be only done by making education system for schools and colleges more flexible, holistic, and multi-disciplinary which will bring out their unique capabilities.

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    New beginning of old chapter

    Through this policy, the children who are in the age group of 3 to 6 year has access to free, safe, high quality, developmentally appropriate care, and education by 2025. Because right now there is a severe learning crisis in India because children are enrolled for pre-primary but they fail to attain basic TemplateMo now.

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